Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog #3

First I just have to say that I was not expecting the turn of events in this story. I had to re-read the last half of the book. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the movie to really see the differences between the two. I am very torn as to who the detective roles are. I was absolutely convinced that it was Keyes hands down. Then upon reading the story i found that Sachetti was actually doing his own detective work as well. Sachetti was trying to clear his fathers name so he did a lot of investigative work himself. Now he may not have been quite as eloquent as Keyes he still managed to fare very well for himself. With having to choose who the actual hard-boiled detective is I have to really say that it is Keyes. He was the one who was very adament that Nirdlinger was murdered and taht it was most definately not suicide. Keyes had the inside track on the investigation from the beginning. Not just from his gut instincts, but also from being in the business and the information that he was privy to from the police. Since Keyes suspected foul play ( and was convinced of it ) he needed to find the ccomplice. Keyes knew that Phyllis could not have done this all on her own. At his point he did not suspect Huff of any involvement. That is until he was shot. That changed everything. Keyes had told Huff everything that he knew in the hospital. His only question at the time was how Huff fit into the mystery. It was then that Huff cracked and confessed everything to Keyes because of his love of Lola. He wanted to protect her.  (And might I just add holy crap I never saw that coming ) Keyes did show that he was a friend to Huff and arranged for him to get away without being prosecuted. He did have some help from the police and another collegue though. I think that showed that he really cared for Huff and did not want to see any reall harm come to him. Keyes shows so many qualities to prove that he is in deed the hard-boiled detective like how he questions Huff without really questioning him zt times. He would also give information very candidly and with such ease as if he knew in the back of his mind that there could be a chance of Huff knowing more than he thought he knew. I kind of think that Keyes also did what some cops back then might have done. Because he was pretty much a good guy until that femme fatle got him snarled into her web. May I just add that what I feel is the icing on the cake is when Huff is on the deck in his chair and finds that Phyllis is right there next to him. What poetic justice. I kind of feel like that was the law/detective part of Keyes.

1 comment:

  1. Good point on bringing up Sachetti as a detective as well! I really didn't think of him that way (pretty obvious to me now). I was pretty surprised with the whole Lola scenario, definitely a shocker!
